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ZenJen - Life Coach Pittsburgh PA
Image by Zhu Yunxiao

Discover Access Bars®

Access Bars® is a gentle and nurturing hands-on treatment designed to promote deep relaxation, reduce stress, and quiet the racing mind. Often compared to meditation, this technique involves lightly touching 32 specific points on the head, known as "Bars," to release energetic blockages and negative thought patterns. Many people experience a sense of mental clarity, emotional ease, and an overall sense of well-being after a session, making it a powerful tool for those seeking more peace and balance in their lives.  


If you're curious to learn more, we offer Introduction to Access Bars classes to explore the benefits and experience the technique firsthand. For those ready to take the next step, our 1-Day Practitioner Class provides in-depth training and certification, empowering you to use Access Bars® to facilitate change for yourself and others. Whether you're looking to enhance your own life or start a new journey as a practitioner, Access Bars® offers a transformative approach to increasing consciousness and well-being.

  • Access Bars Practitioner Class
    Access Bars Practitioner Class
    Sun, Mar 16
    304 Collective
    Learn relaxing, stress-busting technique - Access Bars. After this one-day class, you'll be a certified Access Bars Practitioner.
  • Access Bars Practitioner Class
    Access Bars Practitioner Class
    Sat, Apr 12
    304 Collective
    Learn relaxing, stress-busting technique - Access Bars. After this one-day class, you'll be a certified Access Bars Practitioner.
  • Access Bars Practitioner Class
    Access Bars Practitioner Class
    Sun, Jun 01
    304 Collective
    Learn relaxing, stress-busting technique - Access Bars. After this one-day class, you'll be a certified Access Bars Practitioner.
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